Chapter XXIV: proelium ultimum      Back to Chapter 24 contents

Story: proelium ultimum

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[¶2 of 5] “Conicite sagittās!” clamāvit imperator Titus. Sagittās flammābundās sagitāriī ad ambulatōrēs misērunt. Diū urāvit ignis, et omnēs intentē spectāvērunt. Post flammae evanescuērunt, nullī ambulatorēs in Viā Appiā movēbant. Omnēs in viā iacēbant. Romanī maximum clamōrem tollērunt! Vicērunt ambulatōrēs!

Subitō sonitum ā Forō erūpit. “CERĒBRA!”

“In Forō sunt!” clamāvit imperator. Magī omnēs magicās ianuās aperuērunt et in Forō apparuērunt. Militēs ad Forum cucurērunt.
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