Chapter XV: fabula Aurēliae      Back to Chapter 15 contents

Story: fabula Aurēliae

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[¶3 of 4] "Mea uxor," respondit Cornēlius, "cur hunc ā mē cēlāvistī? Nihil meā refert. Tē amō, et semper tē amābō! Etsī mater tua aut Mārcus aut Cornēlia magī sint, famīlia sumus. Tū etiam, Sexte." "Sed nunc," dīxit Simon, "aliae rēs dicere neccesse est nobis. Brēvī tempore illī ambulatōrēs Romam et omnēs Romānōs dēlebunt nīsī aliquis aliquid faciet."
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