Chapter XI: adventus ambulatōrum      Back to Chapter 11 contents

Story: adventus ambulatōrum

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[¶4 of 6] Ipsō tempōre, vīr ē silvā apparēbant. Vīr ambulatōres spectābat, et paulisper stupēbat. Subitō sē vertēbat et in silvam currēbat.

Caecilius dicēbat, "Amicī, sequamur illum vīrum. Fortasse ad oppidum nōs ducet!"

Itaque ambulatōrēs post virum currēbant. Mox ē silvā exībant et magnam villam vidēre poterant. Ille vīr alterum vīrum appropinquābat, et dicit, "Dāve! Ecce hōs hominēs! Mē ē silvā sequebantur!"
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