Chapter XIII: oppugnatio      Back to Chapter 13 contents

Exercitum 13.3

Identify the person, number, and tense of the following verbs. Be careful! Not all of them are in the perfect tense.
If you have completed this exercise already, your most recent answers are shown below.

60 questions

1. erant
4. sciēbat
7. parāvimus
10. vidēbitis
13. spectamus
16. nōluī
19. faciēs
22. vulnerāvistī
25. necābunt
28. pōnō
31. docēmus
34. vertēmus
37. coxērunt
40. nesciēbas
43. inveniam
46. sēnsistis
49. poterō
52. redēbitis
55. dēbētis
58. audīvit
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Correct answers: 0/60 (0%)