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Reading Comprehension Practice

Read the following passage and answer the multipe choice questions that follow. Underlined words are defined for you on the right side (or below on smaller screens).

Felix gives his father a proper funeral.
1 Fēlīx erat īnfēlīx puer. Pater iniūriā mortuus erat. Nunc
2 Fēlīx est paterfamiliās et fūnus patrī dare necesse est. Super
3 corpus mortuī patris, nōmen patris clāmat quasi patrem ad
4 vītam revocābat. Oculōs patris claudit et corpus aquā lavat.
5 Fēlīx imāginem patris facit. Pater tunicam et togam gerit et
6 in ātriō in lectō funebrī iacet. Fēlīx inter dentēs patris
7 nummum pōnit. Prō nummō Charōn patrem trāns flūmen
8 Stygem portābit.
9 Crās pompa erit. Āctōrēs portābunt imāginēs maiōrum.
10 In pompā erunt familia et hominēs qui cantābunt et
11 īnstrūmentīs canent.
12 Diū Fēlīx erit īnfēlīx. Fēlīx togam pullam geret. Fēlīx
13 cum pietāte patrem mortuum prīvātē et pūblicē honōrābit.

īnfēlīx = unhappy; mortuus erat = had died
paterfamiliās = head of the household; fūnus = funeral
quasi = as if
lavat = washes
imāginem = wax mask
in lectō funebrī iacet = lies on a funeral couch
nummum = a coin; Prō = In exchange for; Charōn = Charon (the ferryman)
Stygem = Styx
pompa = funeral procession; maiōrum = of his ancestors

pullam = dark; geret = will wear

pietāte = devotion

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