Chapter XII: per Viam Appiam      Back to Chapter 12 contents


Vocabulary List 12A

ars, artis fem.skill
celer, celeris, celereswift
dē (with abl)down from, about, concerning
equus, equī
mittō, mittere, mīsī, missumsend, let go
nūntius, nūntiī masc.messenger, news
per (with acc)through
sermō, sermōnis masc.conversation, dicourse
timeō, timēre, timuī, fear, dread

Vocabulary List 12B

albus, alba, albumwhite
aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, apertumopen
diūfor a long time
dumwhile, until
quothow many?
taceō, tacēre, tacuī, tacitumbe silent, be quiet
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentumhold, keep
veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventumcome
via, viae fem.way, street